We have incorporated a number of new businesses under different VAT schemes such as registering them under Flat rate scheme. Additionally, we have designed the whole VAT process and effective system for the clients to monitor input and output VAT and the overall impact on cash-flow. We will offer you practical advice on your turnover, the VAT threshold for small businesses and whether you should voluntarily register for VAT before reach the threshold. There will be some advantages and disadvantages for your business to register voluntary and we’ll be happy to discuss all the options with you so you can make and better decision.
Additional Services We Offer:
• HMRC VAT inspections and negotiations with HMRC if any disputes
• Advice on VAT on commercial property acquisition, development and ongoing.
• Advice on VAT on acquiring a VAT registered business.
• Advice on VAT on cross-border transactions.
• VAT registrations, schemes and VAT cancellations.